Wednesday, 28 November 2012

White's Field hedge replanted by volunteers

Another excellent day of work saw 14 volunteers fully replant the hedgerow with a range of species.  Starting at 10am the work was complete by 2:45 in mostly good weather. After a week of horrendous rain this was excellent fortune.  Volunteers ranged from young to old, including a 13 year old working on his Duke of Edinburgh bronze award.  Young plants included a number of edible species and have been protected from rabbit nibbling with tree guards and supportied with bamboo canes, in part freshly grown and cut in Chinnor.
Pictures below by Linda Brawn:
 Part of the finished hedgerow (above) and volunteers working (below)

Planting some hawthorn close to Mill Lane School.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Volunteers needed!

          Greening Chinnor & Chinnor Parish Council

White’s Field Community Hedging Project
Planting Day

Sunday 25th November 10:00 – 16:00
meet at White’s Field

After the successful clearing day in October it’s now time to get ‘dug in’ and plant the new hedge.  Come and join the working party for an enjoyable and historic day. Whether you can spare an hour or can spend the whole day you will be most welcome. 

Just turn up at White’s Field anytime from 10:00. Make sure you bring suitable clothing including gardening gloves (or similar) and suitable footwear together with some light refreshments. If you have a spade, please bring it along.

For further information go to or to register your interest please call Alan Brawn on 01844 352753