Linda Brawn - Chair
Alan Brawn - Treasurer
David Watson - Secretary
Will Teale - Committee Member
Maureen Dyroff - Committee Member
Greening Chinnor meetings are held regularly throughout the year, starting at 7:30 pm. The meeting dates are published on our Events Page.
Greening Chinnor welcomes new members and if you are interested in being part of a team committed to improving our local environment, or just want to be part of one of our projects, please contact Linda Brawn on 01844 352753 or email or subscribe to our mailing list
Greening Chinnor - Privacy Policy
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2018, you are entitled to access, edit or delete personal data we may hold. If you wish to do this, please email with your request. For further information see our privacy policy.
Volunteering Opportunities
There are many opportunities to volunteer with Greening Chinnor, for example: working parties, admin, marketing, social media, events, talks, finance, education, website, social history, making cakes. If you would like to share a bit of your time, please contact us stating your area of interest of phone us for a chat.
Maureen Dyroff - Committee Member
Greening Chinnor meetings are held regularly throughout the year, starting at 7:30 pm. The meeting dates are published on our Events Page.
Greening Chinnor welcomes new members and if you are interested in being part of a team committed to improving our local environment, or just want to be part of one of our projects, please contact Linda Brawn on 01844 352753 or email or subscribe to our mailing list
Greening Chinnor - Privacy Policy
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2018, you are entitled to access, edit or delete personal data we may hold. If you wish to do this, please email with your request. For further information see our privacy policy.
Volunteering Opportunities
There are many opportunities to volunteer with Greening Chinnor, for example: working parties, admin, marketing, social media, events, talks, finance, education, website, social history, making cakes. If you would like to share a bit of your time, please contact us stating your area of interest of phone us for a chat.
Why not join our Orchard volunteers?
Working parties are held twice a month: on the first Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:30 pm and the third Saturday 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm. Why not come along and learn new skills, meet new people, use the time as a green gym and enjoy the outdoors. Equipment supplied and we always stop for tea!
Or would you like to get involved in monitoring the wildlife, fauna and flora or help to find the old cottages? There are even some ‘back office’ jobs that always have to be done: help with media, plan events, talks, finance, education, website, grants, social history, making cakes, meeting people
We hold a variety of events throughout the year to showcase the Orchard and the work that we are doing.
If you would like to get involved in any of the aspects of the Orchard or just want to find out a little more about this project either speak to one of the volunteers at a working party or email or call Linda on 01844 352753 or keep in touch with the orchard and other Greening Chinnor projects by signing up to our occasional newsletter.
We want to run our local Repair Cafés on a more regular basis. Can you help?
How you can help? We need more co-ordinators and reception/café support to join the team to help organise and run the cafés.
What’s involved? Co-ordinator: help plan the cafes, liaise with our volunteer fixers and support team, help promote event via posters and social media, facilitate the ‘flow’ at the café. Reception/Café support: help set up/clear away, welcome, explain process, book items in, offer refreshments.
All roles are flexible and can be done as and when you have time to offer. Training/support is offered for the roles.
If you’d like to find out more about our Repair Cafes email Linda at to arrange an informal chat or have a look at our Repair Cafe page on our website at