Friday, 18 December 2015

2015 Thermal Imaging Survey Results

All  the householders who were involved with the 2015 Thermal Imaging Campaign were given the opportunity to complete an anonymous online questionnaire and we are delighted with the feedback.

To highlight some of the successes of the campaign
  • 23.08% increase in awareness and ability to take action 77% either planning or considering taking action
  • 62% thought that the pre imaging information was either excellent or very good
  • 92% thought that the Greening Chinnor volunteers who carried out the test were either excellent or very good
  • 75% reported that the feedback and follow-up report were either excellent or very good.
We were delighted with the comments received which have enabled us to compile a Q&A section that will, besides being published, be sent out to future participants as part of the planning and preparation process.

Click here if you would like to see a copy of the result or go to our Minutes and Governance section on our website at

If you are interesting in participating in our 2016 project, which is totally free, email me at