Monday, 13 August 2018

Donkey Lane Orchard

We have some exciting news. 

We are in the process of setting up an Orchard Management group to regenerate the old historic orchard in Donkey Lane (Keens Lane). More details will be published shortly. In the meantime, if you would like to know more or get involved, please email Linda at You can keep up to date on our activities and volunteering opportunities via our website where you can sign up to our newsletter or check out our Facebook page @greeningchinnor.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Station Road Community Garden

You may have noticed the lovely planters that have appeared on Station Road. This is the latest addition to our Edible Chinnor project and complements the community herb planter adjacent to the Pavilion. This was all made possible by a generous grant from the Parish Council. Also thanks to one of our Repair CafĂ© fixers who made the planters. This once ‘unloved’ area has been named ‘Station Road Community Garden’ and is currently planted with fruit, vegetables and herbs for all the community to enjoy.

We had an enjoyable open morning on the 21 July where we were joined by members of the public planting up and painting decorative panels which will be attached to the front of the planters.

The planters are designed to fulfill 3 of our senses, sight, smell and taste. All bar one of the plants are edible and a full list of the current planting can be found here. Some of the tasty things planted are: red and yellow cherry tomatoes, chillies, salad leaves, raspberries, spring onions and rhubarb chard.

It is hoped that the garden will soon be joined by a WW1 memorial bench to enable villagers to sit and enjoy the space. So pop along and fill your senses.