Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Donkey Lane Community Orchard – Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Hedge

During the spring of 2022 Greening Chinnor volunteers planted over 370 hedging shrubs in the Orchard hedge running adjacent to the lane. The intention was to plant a native mixed species hedge to commemorate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and was part of the nationwide tree planting initiative ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’.

Orchard hedge as detailed on the QGC map

The hedge is intended to have several beneficial purposes for the local environment and community:
  • to provide a wildlife corridor along the length of the orchard
  • be a food and nesting resource for wildlife
  • give picking and foraging opportunities for the local community
  • and finally, to look wonderful
Varieties planted include: Hawthorn, Cornelian Cherry, Hazel, Kentish Cob (Lambert’s Filbert), Spindle, Dog Rose, Cherry Plum, Wayfaring Tree, Bledlow Bullace, Sea Buckthorn, Field Maple and Holly. The hedging was planted whilst the bushes were still in winter dormancy and before the bird nesting season started. Read more...