Parish Path Warden & Walks

Greening Chinnor volunteers act as Chinnor Parish Path Wardens supporting the maintenance of the extensive network of 44 parish footpaths and bridleways in the parish which include Chinnor, Emmington, Crowell and Henton. We work closely with the Chiltern Society, Chinnor Parish Council and Oxfordshire County Council.

Next Guided Walk

Sunday 2nd June 2019. Alan will be leading a walk for the Chiltern Society taking in some of the exquisite countryside around Spriggs Alley. Follows details as per the Chiltern Society walk schedule below. All welcome but please let us have some idea of numbers.

Chinnor Parish Walk Leaflets

We are delighted that the first of the Chinnor Parish walk leaflets produced by Greening Chinnor with sponsorship from Chinnor Parish Council and support from Chinnor and Thame FOE has now been published. 

Copies can be found at the Parish Office or be downloaded here. This first walk, which takes in Emmington, will be the first of a series of 5 or 6. Watch this space for details of the next walk leaflet which we are sure will be familiar to some of our fellow villagers.

Chinnor Parish Footpaths - Henton

14 February 2019

We're pleased to report that the overgrown wasteland behind the houses on the left hand side of the main street in Henton (Footpaths 13 and 44) have now been cleared by the South Chiltern Path Maintenance Volunteers (SCPMV affiliated to the Chiltern Society) working alongside our Parish Path Warden.

This is still work in progress as the remaining rickety stiles will be replaced by gates once funds are available. Below you will see a couple of before and after pictures.

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