Sunday, 20 April 2014

Greening Chinnor AGM

Well it's that time of year again. Hard to believe that we are now in our third year.

Our AGM will take place on Monday 28 April at 7:30 pm in the Chiltern Room at the Village Centre.

We are a small local community action group who meet about every two months in the Chinnor Village Centre. Meetings are friendly and informal and we discuss forthcoming events and other issues that members would like to bring up.

If you are interested in local environmental issues and would like to be involved in the group why not come along to our AGM and see what we are about.

The evening will consist of a short AGM where we will elect our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer for the next year. If you would like to make a nomination or would like to volunteer for any of the posts the nomination form can be found here

After the AGM we have a series of short presentations by guest speakers on 'Chinnor's Great Outdoors' where you will find out about 'Ribbon of Flowers', Estover Way Wildlife Area, some of the many local footpaths and BBOWT Nature Reserve.

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