Friday, 9 May 2014

AGM & Chinnor's Great Outdoors

A well attended AGM was held at the Village Centre on the 28th April. This was our second AGM and we were very pleased with the turnout. A short AGM started the evening when the Chair, Alan Brawn, Treasurer, Mike Ashdown and Secretary Linda Brawn were all unanimously voted as officers of Greening Chinnor. Following the official business of the AGM there followed presentations based on 'Chinnor's Great Outdoors'.

It's true to say that there was quite a 'buzz' created during and after our excellent speakers who generated some great interactive discussions.

As we know, Chinnor is extremely fortunate to be situated in an area of beautiful countryside that is open to all. Now, thanks to our guest speakers more is known of this area.  First to speak was Fiona Mantle, Chair of Environmental Group, Chinnor Parish Council who told us about Estover Way Nature Area and the Ribbon of Flowers project. More information can be found in the minutes of the AGM.

Next to speak was Alan Brawn who not only is the Chair of Greening Chinnor but is the local Parish Path Warden along with a team of 3 others. Alan described some of the less well known paths and views within 300 yards of local roads as well as some of the more extensively walked.

The third speaker of the evening was Mike Turton who talked about the 70 acre Chinnor Hill BBOWT nature reserve. He explained that the reserve was a site of special scientific interest with several rare orchids. The soil is poor as it is a chalk grassland with Juniper scrub.  Mike finished his talk by taking us on a photographic tour of the reserve and answering the many questions.

To read the minutes from the AGM go to the Governance page and copies of all the presentations can be found on our new Presentation page.

Linda Brawn
Greening Chinnor

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