Sunday, 18 June 2017

Incredible Edible Chinnor

Announcement of our new project.

Greening Chinnor wish to help increase local food production by encouraging as many people as possible to grow their own fruit, vegetables and herbs. The aim is to encourage our community to grow ‘food for free’ to be picked by everyone by making use of unloved/unused pieces of land.

The initiative has already started with the Seed and Plant swaps and we would like to introduce community herb beds around the village and encourage sponsorship and community ownership.

The intention is to start small but to scale up the project by looking for small pockets of land where ‘community food’ can be grown and shared and where we will have a sizeable output of crops. We would include elements of learning, growing and sharing. The plan is to eventually have a community orchard and allotment or garden.

This project is open to everyone in the community and we would encourage the collaboration of local groups, churches, schools and businesses in this exciting venture. We are in the early stages of the planning and more details will be announced shortly.

If you know of any small 'unloved' areas or would like to get involved in this exciting project, please contact us at

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